Ben Rudisin was born in Woodbridge, Virginia and trained at the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston-Salem and Houston Ballet II in Texas. Ben joined The National Ballet of Canada as an RBC Apprentice in 2013 and was promoted to Principal Dancer in 2021.
Most recently, Ben made his debut as Monsieur Lheureux in Helen Pickett’s world premiere of Emma Bovary and Leo in William Yong’s world premiere of UtopiVerse. An elegant dancer with pristine technique, he excels in roles such as Diaghilev in Nijinsky, Siegfried and Rothbart in Swan Lake, Prince Gremin in Onegin, title role of Romeo and Juliet and the male lead in Being and Nothingness as well as Icicle and Uncle Nikolai in The Nutcracker, The Mad Hatter in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, L'Allumeur in Le Petit Prince and lead roles in Diamonds and Emeralds. His repertoire includes roles in The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, Cinderella, The Winter’s Tale, Nijinsky, Anna Karenina, The Merry Widow, Manon, Frame by Frame, A Streetcar Named Desire, La Sylphide, The Four Seasons, The Concert, Chaconne, Allegro Brillante, Symphony #9, Carousel (A Dance), The Second Detail, Approximate Sonata 2016, MADDADDAM, Chroma, Genus, Anima Animus, Angels’ Atlas, Emergence, Cacti, Petite Mort, Paz de la Jolla, Night, The Collective Agreement, Orpheus Alive, The Dreamers Ever Leave You and Soul.